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Have You Seen Our ZealousHomes Forums?

Have you had a chance to see our new ZealousHomes Forums?

The Why of ZealousHomes Forums

ZealousHomes desires to be a virtual space that informs and uplifts the Christian family of faith. With this in mind, our hope is that you can be a part of building a place where encouragement and unity are fostered in our Christian community. We really want to add value to the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ! So that’s why we have created the ZealousHomes Forums!

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The Who and How of ZealousHomes Forums

Our team strives to see all of our content remain faithful and true to God’s holy Word. We believe the Bible is God’s inspired, inerrant, and infallible self-revelation to us for today. You can learn more about our team and our beliefs on our About and What We Believe pages. At ZealousHomes, we want to imitate Christ in all that we do.

Jesus was zealous about you and your relationship with Him. As a result, we believe that all true disciples of Jesus Christ should seek to be zealous about following Him. Let us look to Jesus, who loved us enough to die for our sins and offer us eternal forgiveness and grace. Therefore, shouldn’t we choose to live zealously for Him? Shouldn’t we live this life together? We need each other!

The Hope For ZealousHomes Forums

Our team hopes that the ZealousHomes Community Forums will be a place of encouraging and loving dialogue about all things concerning living the Christian life in a non-Christian culture. We believe that these are conversations that matter. For this reason, we hope you will join the table talk in our Community Conversations Forums, as well as be a regular on our prayer forum.

We are excited to unveil our new forums structure. So here it is! Let’s get our zealous on! Together.

Our New Zealous Forums Structure

We Are Really Excited About Our New Prayer Forums

We hope you will become a ZealousHomes prayer ninja we can count on!

ZealousHomes Prayer Forum
Join us in prayer in our Prayer Forum!

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Don’t forget to check out the ZealousHomes Podcast available on most major platforms.

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